10 years of connecting people and technology together

10 years ago I founded techrelate, with a mission of connecting people and technology together.

Technology Partners

We work with a variety of different technology partners and we don't like to tie ourselves into any one product or manufacturer.

Fight cyber crime, and win!

We are all at risk of becoming victims of cyber crime, from the NHS to large global consulting firms.

GDPR: What, when, and why?

We appreciate that businesses across the UK are at varying stages when it comes to the preparation for the new GDPR.

Outsource vs. In-House, what’s right for you?

Over the years, it has become more and more clear just how critical having the right IT set-up is.

Step up your password game

Can you guess how many instances of computer misuse offences occurred last year?

Working from your home?

We look at the seven reasons why home working is the future

Tip of the Iceberg | Demystifying the hidden costs of printing

Business owners wouldn’t like to think of their teams abusing company resources

Single Sign On (SSO)

Single Sign on or SSO provides centralised management security and logons for all your cloud apps

Broadband Genie

2015 was an exciting year for anyone interested in online security with numerous headline-grabbing hacks

What to expect from shared office networks

Shared offices in London often provide internet connectivity and this can come at a high premium.

Mikrotik Enterprise Grade Hardware

Technology is ever-evolving and users are always seeking out the most refined service for the best price

Merry Christmas Everyone

We hope 2018 has been a good year and would like to wish you all the best for 2019

#SecureChristmas 5 – Frank Friday

#securechristmas series rounding off with top tips for enhancing security in your workplace

#SecureChristmas 4 – Thought For Thursday

Creating a secure password is tough. Today we have hundreds of different accounts on different websites and programs.

#SecureChristmas 3 – Wired Wednesday

Welcome to Wired Wednesday part of our #SecureChristmas series

#SecureChristmas 2 – Tip for Tuesday

Discussing email and the human vulnerability often associated with Phishing.

#SecureChristmas 1 – Morbid Monday

Today we overview some recent security problems and talk about how they might have happened.


We’re really keen to educate everyone about the biggest security challenges facing business technology today.

Sunday afternoon IT Support

We have engineering teams available out of hours gives our clients the piece of mind whenever you need

The Importance of Microsoft Licensing

We’re here to lay out the facts and let you know exactly what the Microsoft licences are all about.

The Benefits of Hosted Security Control

The consequences of poor security are dire and can have a disastrous impact on your business

Purple Wifi

We love working alongside other businesses that can provide innovative services and products

The Benefits of Network and Service Monitoring

Reliability and consistency are key to customer service

Its’s pay day!

At techrelate we know how important the payroll is for your business and staff morale.

Why Office 365 Makes Sense for Businesses

Microsoft’s Office 365 for Business is one of the most popular software bundles on the market

OS X and Windows in the mix – Bridging the gap

Now, many businesses are using a combination of Windows and Apple products

Benefits of Outsourced IT Support vs. In-house IT

More and more companies are recognising the importance of IT and Outsourced IT Support services

Changing IT Support Company? Read our self-help guide

Changing IT support company can actually be easy and stress free

Advantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has benefits for all companies.

Why we switched to TSO Host

Having recently become less enamoured with the performance of our website, we started looking for alternatives.

Why techrelate has partnered up with Computer Aid

Their aim is to use IT to reduce poverty and create a world where rich and poor have equal access to computers.

Windows 10 – Is It Ready for Businesses?

Windows 10 was released at the end of July and we’ve been keeping our eyes peeled for reviews.

Windows 10

What should you expect for your business and what should you do?

Windows Server 2003 End of Life

As the speed of technology innovation increases, the more our products needs to evolve to keep pace

Protect yourself from the Heartbleed security flaw

Experts say two thirds of all web servers are in danger from Heartbleed

Windows XP support is ending, what now?

What does this mean for you, if you are using Windows XP?